This is the website companionto the YouTube channel of the same name.You’ll find here:Downloadable PDFs referred to in the videos.Links to scholarly sources mentioned in the videos.Links to other sources for interpreting Revelation. The Playlists Season 0: Introduction Season 1: Genesis 1-11 Season 2: Revelation 1-14 Season 3: 1 Samuel 1-15 Season 4: Luke 1-6 Season 1: Genesis 12-25.20 Season 2: Revelation 15-22 Season 3: 1 Samuel 16-25 Season 4: Luke 7-11 Season 1: Genesis 25.19-36.43 Season 3: 1 Samuel 26-31 Season 4: Luke 12-19 Season 3: 2 Samuel 1 – 10 Season 4: Luke 20-24 Season 3: 2 Samuel 11-14