The Books of Samuel 2 Samuel 11-14 S3E161: David and Bathsheba: Introduction to 2 Samuel 11-12 Some issues in interpreting 2 Samuel 11-12 (PDF) A structure of 2 Samuel 11-12 (PDF) Passing of time in 2 Samuel 11-12 (PDF) 2 Samuel 11 keywords (PDF) 2 Samuel 12 keywords (PDF) 2 Samuel 11-12 links with 1 Samuel 15 (PDF) Parallels and differences in 1 Samuel 25 and 2 Samuel 11-12 (PDF) Parallels between Shechem’s taking of Dinah (Genesis 34) and David’s taking of Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11-12) The Parable of the rich man, poor man, ewe-lamb and traveler, 2 Samuel 12.1-4 (PDF) S3E162: "Is this not Bathsheba?" (2 Samuel 11.1-3) [No new links for this episode.] S3E163: "I am pregnant." (2 Samuel 11.4-6) [No new links for this episode.] S3E164: Uriah refuses the king's command (2 Samuel 11.7-11) Gaps of knowledge/intention in 2 Samuel 11.7-11 (PDF) “Settling” in 2 Samuel (PDF) S3E165: "Set Uriah in the face of the fighting" (2 Samuel 11.12-16) 2 Samuel 11.14-25 chiasms (from Fokkelman, PDF) S3E166: "Your slave, Uriah the Hitttie, is dead." (2 Samuel 11.17-21) [No new links for this episode.] S3E167: "Do not let this word be evil in your eyes" (2 Samuel 11.22-27) [No new links for this episode.] S3E168: A rich man, a poor man, a ewelamb and a traveler (2 Samuel 12.1-4) 2 Samuel 1-4 with Hebrew word notes (PDF) The rich man, poor man, ewelamb and traveler as master metaphor (PDF) S3E169: "You are the man!": But which one? (2 Samuel 12.1-12) Perspectives on the story in 2 Samuel 12.1-4 within 12.5-12 (PDF) S3E170: "You are the man!": Part 2 (2 Samuel 12.5-12) “Save” or “rescue” [Hebrew, ntsl] in Samuel (PDF) S3E171: David's and Bathsheba's child dies (2 Samuel 12.13-25) [No new links for this episode.] S3E172: David's final victory: the battle of Rabbah (2 Samuel 12.26-31) 2 Samuel 12.30-31 and Solomon (PDF)