The Gospel of Luke20-24 S4E156: Introduction to Jesus' Jerusalem ministry (Luke 20-21) Jerusalem ministry in synoptic comparison (PDF) Some factors that make Luke’s version of Jesus’ Jerusalem ministry unique (PDF) Shape of Luke 20-21 (PDF) S4E157: By what authority? (Luke 20.1-8) Luke 20.1-44 chiasm (PDF) Luke 20.1-8 in synoptic comparison (PDF) S4E158: A man planted a vineyard (Luke 20.9-15a) Parable of the vineyard in synoptic comparison (PD Some scholarly questions about the parable of the vineyard/tenants (PDF) Isaiah 5.1-7 and synoptic parable (PDF) Echoes of the vineyard/tenants parable elsewhere in Luke (PDF) S4E159: The stone that the builders rejected (Luke 20.15b-19) Psalm 118 and intertextual echoes (PDF) Luke 20.17-18 intertextual echoes (PDF) Midrash on Psalms 113-118, from Kwon (PDF) S4E160: Caesar's coin (Luke 20.20-26) Caesar’s coin in synoptic comparison (PDF) S4E161: God of the living! (Luke 20.27-40) Marriage in the resurrection in synoptic comparison(PDF) Giles’ chart comparing Luke 20.34-36 with Malachi 1-3 (JPG) S4E162: Jesus, David and the Messiah (Luke 20.41-44) David in the Bible (PDF) Hebrew Scripture texts on David and Messiah (PDF) David as Messiah’s son in synoptic comparison (PDF) S4E163: Beware of the scribes! (Luke 20.46-21.4) Scribes and widows in synoptic comparison (PDF) Luke 20.46-21.4 intratextual echoes (PDF) S4E164: "All will be thrown down!" (Luke 21.5-7) Luke 21 in synoptic comparison (PDF) Shape of Luke 21.5-36 (PDF) Three apocalyptic introductions (PDF) S4E165: These things must take place first “Nations” [Gk, ethnos] in Luke (PDF) Chronological sequence in Luke 21.5-36 (PDF) S4E166: "An opportunity to testify" (Luke 21.12-16) Luke 21.12 fulfillment in Acts of the Apostles (PDF) Luke 21.13-16 fulfillment in Acts of the Apostles (PDF) S4E167: "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies..." (Luke 21.17-22) Luke 21.17-22 intratextual echoes (PDF) S4E168: "Your redemption is near!" (Luke 21.23-28) Luke 21.23-28 intertextual echoes (PDF) S4E169: "Know that the reign of God is near!" (Luke 21.29-40) Luke 21.28-33 word chaining (PDF) S4E170: Introduction to Luke 22-23, the Passion of Jesus An overly simplistic sense of each evangelist’s purpose in telling the Passion of Jesus (PDF) Implicit and explicit titles for Jesus in Luke 22-23 (PDF) Jesus’ opponents in Luke 22-23 (PDF) Shape of Luke 22-23 (PDF) Luke 22 keywords (PDF) Last Supper preparation in synoptic comparison (PDF) References to images of cosmic evil in Luke 22-23 (PDF) S4E171: Judas agrees to hand over Jesus (Luke 22.1-6) Judas’ betrayal in synoptic comparison (PDF) Judas in Luke-Acts (PDF) S4E172: Jesus sends Peter and John to prepare the Passover (Luke 22.7-13) Last Supper Preparation [short version] in synoptic comparison (PDF) Peter and John in Luke-Acts (PDF) S4E173: "This is my body" (Luke 22.14-20) Some questions about celebrating Passover at the time of Jesus and Luke (PDF) Major Passover texts in the Bible (PDF) The Passover meal in synoptic (+ Paul) comparison (PDF) “Giving thanks” in Luke-Acts (PDF) S4E174: The betrayer's hand is on the table (Luke 22.21-27) Luke 22.21-27 in synoptic comparison (PDF) Luke 22.22-27 and 9.44-48 compared (PDF) S4E175: Reigning and denying (Luke 22.28-34) Simon Peter in Luke (PDF) “Faith” (pistis) in Luke (PDF) S4E176: Sword time? (Luke 22.35-38) Greek hikanos in Luke-Acts (PDF) Isaiah 52.13-53.12, The “Suffering Servant” Song (PDF) S4E177: Pray not to come to the time of trial (Luke 22.39-46) Jesus at prayer in synoptic comparison (PDF) Unique words in Luke 22.43-44 (PDF) S4E178: Swords and a kiss (Luke 22.47-54a) Jesus’ arrest in all four gospels (PDF) S4E179: Peter's denial (Luke 22.54b-62) Peter’s denial in all four gospels (PDF) S4E180: Jesus endures an imperial backroom interrogation (Luke 22.63-72) The aftermath of Peter’s denial in all four gospels (PDF) S4E181: Jesus before Rome's representative (Luke 23.1-6) Jesus before Pilate in all four gospels (PDF) Luke 23 keywords (PDF) S4E182: Mocking Herod mocking Jesus (Luke 23.7-12) Rejoicing in Luke-Acts (PDF) S4E183: "Crucify him, crucify him!" (Luke 23.13-25) [No new links for this episode.] S4E184: "Daughters of Jerusalem...weep for your children" (Luke 23.26-32) Way of the Cross in synoptic comparison (PDF) Interpretative issues in Luke 23.31 (PDF) S4E185: "Forgive them" (Luke 23.33-38) Jesus’ crucifixion in all four gospels (PDF) Mocking Jesus in Luke’s Passion (PDF) S4E186: "Today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23.39-43) Vision of paradise in 1 Enoch (PDF) Relative chronology of Near Eastern and Persian Garden “Multiple Waves” of Influences (PDF) S4E187: Darkness at noon (Luke 23.44-49) Unity and division in Luke’s Passion story (PDF) S4E188: Jesus is laid in the tomb (Luke 23.50-56) Jesus’s burial in all four gospels (PDF) S4E189: Jesus is risen!: Introduction to Luke 24 Some overall issues in interpreting Luke 24 (PDF) Empty tomb in all four gospels (PDF) Luke 24.1-12 and 24.36-53 parallels (PDF) Some Greco-Roman views of the afterlife (PDF) Luke 24 and Luke 1-2 parallels (PDF) Luke 24 key and rare words (PDF) S4E190: "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" (Luke 24.1-7) Rhetorical questions in Luke 24 and Acts 1 (PDF) S4E191: Then they remembered his words... (Luke 24.8-12) [No new links for this episode.] S4E192: going to a village called Emmaus (Luke 24.13-18) Tobit as it relates to Luke 24 (PDF) S4E193: "we had been hoping..." (Luke 24.19-24) [No new links for this episode.] S4E194: Then their eyes were opened (Luke 24.25-32) Ways to interpret Jesus’ words about “the things around himself in all the Scriptures” (PDF) Parallels between Luke 24.31 and Genesis 3.7 (from Ortland [2010], PDF) S4E195: Escaping the prison of time? (Luke 24.33-35) [No new links for this episode.] S4E196: "Touch me and see!" (Luke 24.36-43) Luke 24.36-43 and John 20.19-20; 21.9, 13 (PDF) S4E197: "You are witnesses to these things" (Luke 24.44-48) [No new links for this episode.] S4E198: "until you are clothed with power" (Luke 24.49-53) [No new links for this episode.]